Doha, Qatar

Doha Marina Mall

The architectural design of the mall is inspired by the natural erosive forms created when water and land meet. Five interconnected retail islands link the mall into the landscape and back to the water. The spaces between the five pebble-shaped islands are carefully landscaped, creating a series of contemporary green spaces. The three-story mall will house cinemas, spa facilities and restaurants with terraced dining overlooking the marina.

The external dynamic illumination emphasizes the sculptural and complex form of Marina Mall. Delta selected LED colour changing fittings to be integrated within the architecture and landscape to create an intriguing play with different colours and intensities through the course of the evening and into the night through accentuating different parts of the façade on a time-scheduled basis. Warm colours used on the external façade in the evening fade to a cooler light colour at night, contrasting with the internal glow emanating through the perforated facade cladding.

The Delta team developed sustainable strategies to achieve a QSA 5 rating – LEED Platinum equivalent for the project.






Facade, Interior, Landscape Lighting